Monday, June 18, 2007

Wake-up call
Yup, as a Christian, we all need wake-up calls once in a while. Even if you are currently "on fire" or think that you are doing fine, be careful, cos even the Word of God said in 1 Cor 10:12 that "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"
Sometimes, we get distracted by many things in life, like work, challenges, disappointments, ...
Sometimes, we forget our identity... who we are in Christ...
Sometimes, we forget our calling, our God-given visions...
Sometimes, we forget how much we need Him everyday, not just once-a-week kinda thingy...
Sometimes, we forget how to get back, or don't have a clue how to revive our passion for Him...
Well, I think, that's why we have people like Pastor Matt Fielder, Pastor Neil Smith and the Planetshakers band to charge us up again, and to fan the flame that is dying in us, the fire and passion for God and His Kingdom.
Yup, they were here in my church last weekend and they were just awesome people of God. I cried, during the ending part of the second service, because God touched my hardened & pride-filled heart. God is a miracle-working God, and the greatest miracle that I NEED right now, is not a financial breakthrough, or anything else, but a miracle TURNAROUND in my walk with Him. Where is Jesus in my life? What happened to His vision to me?
Well, thank God for that wake-up call, and I thank God that I have finally COMPLETED my plans!!! Yup, a plan that took me ages to complete. Now, is the EXECUTION part that I have to play my part.
It is a really simple plan. I mean, sometimes we make super-complicated plans and end up dunno how to execute it... hahaha...
So this is a real simple plan... all I need to do is to establish my LIFE VISION.
My life vision is one that God has given to me, that is to be a MILLIONAIRE. And from that vision, I will fund the Kingdom of God. I want to give more than anyone had ever given to the Kingdom of God. I might not be a good evangelist, but I can give to the efforts of evangelism, like organizing mega-concerts and events.
To achieve this vision, I have 3 main plans:
1. Through properties
2. Through the stockmarket - after I already have 3 properties (2 landed).
3. Through a stable job as a nutritionist (and I need to achieve higher qualifications for bigger jobs. So I need to go to US to get my Masters Degree and PhD)
Those are long-term goals.
I also have short-term goals:
1. Clear all my credit card debts
2. Plan my marriage
3. Plan my going to the US
4. Continue my "fighting fit" plans
5. Higher education - TOEFL, GRE, Nutrition, Spanish
Friends, hobbies and belongings (car & house) will be secondary to all the above, but not neglected completely
AND, ANYTHING, I mean it, ANYTHING that does not fall into any of the above, or would prevent/slow-down/affect me from achieving my LIFE VISION and short-term goals is RUBBISH. There are lots of rubbish in my life right now, like dota. I mean, to be honest... WHAT IS THE WHOLE POINT in being good in dota, or spending so much time in playing computer games? How does that contribute to the Kingdom of God? So it will definitely NOT be EASY to get rid of all the RUBBISH in my life. But I know I have to. It's not "I have to". I WILL and I MUST! Grrrrraaaargggghhhh!!! Time to be passionate about God again, and STOP being passionate about other worldly stuffs.


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